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School of the Prophets (SOP) Level 1,2 & 3 Package



School of the Prophets
When we speak about the prophetic realm and prophetic ministers, we are defining the influence of words upon our lives, the lives of others and our environment.
Words create reality but God’s word creates truth!
Prophets have been used to confirm the inerrancy and infallibility of the Word of God. But most importantly, on every occasion to express the heart and mind of God to a people.
In this course, the following questions shall be answered:-
Why should one study prophecy and the office of the prophet?
What should one specifically look for when studying the prophets and prophecy?
Level 1
1. Definitions of Prophecy/Characteristics of Prophecy
2.  Modes of Prophetic Revelation
3.  Realms of Prophecy
4.  Purpose of Prophetic Ministry/Role of Prophetic Ministers
Prophets reveal the nature and character of God. They become the mouthpiece of God with a distinct message. Prophets receive messages from God through dreams, visions, a direct word or an impression of the heart. In level 2, you will learn:-
Level 2
5.   Importance of Good Character
6.   Delivery of a Prophetic Word/Activation/Terminology
7.   Prophetic Protocol
8.   Prophetic Presbytery
9.   How to Minister to Leaders
10. Hearing God’s Voice through Journaling
11. Fasting in Prophetic Ministry
12. Identifying False Prophets
Prophets must be desirous of understanding world events and news and discover its relevance to us today. They must also achieve greater discernment of the signs of the times based on the writings of the prophets and relate them to the modern prophets by observing the lives of both the Old and New Tesatment Prophets. In level 3, you will learn:-
Level 3
13.  Minor Prophets
14.  Major Prophets
15.  The Former Prophets
16.  Female Prophets
17.  Feasts of the Lord


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